Become a Member

We invite you to become a member of the Design Justice Network! Now that you have signed onto the DJN Network Principles, we welcome you to join the community as a member. Member benefits are listed below! If you have yet to sign onto the DJN Principles, please consider reading and signing onto them!

To become a Member, you (or your organization) must:
1. Step 1: Sign on to the Design Justice Network Principles

2. Step 2: Pay a sliding scale membership fee, and/or agree to provide equivalent (volunteer or in-kind) services to the Design Justice Network (for example, by joining a ​Working Group). (Please continue to read below for membership fees info - OR click Join as a Member - you will be rerouted to a second page to fill out your membership information - and afterwards will receive an auto-reply email with details to our member benefits and offerings). More on Organizational Membership below.

See below, for more information on Changing/Ending your membership,
and on Membership Issues, Conflicts, or Questions. NOTE: DJN memberships are not tax deductible because DJN members receive benefits based on membership fees.

The process of becoming a DJN member has evolved and is evolving; It currently involves a Pay-What-You-Can fee (minimum $0.50), but it is important for the network to make it possible for everyone to join the conversation as a member if they wish; Becoming a member through paid support helps ensure members are 1) in community with each other, 2) in alignment with the design justice principles and 3) in a space of care and safety. For the time it’s been in existence, paid membership has helped grow the capacity of the network. (More on DJN finances here) The goal is not to accumulate paid members but find ways to encourage facilitation, directly support the work that’s being done by members, and to manage safety.

Membership Benefits

Current membership benefits include:

  • Access to the Design Justice Network Member Slack channel (to keep in touch with other DJN members)

  • Network with movement builders around the world

  • Opportunity to lead a DJN Member Story sharing sessions with a DJN and public audience

  • Receive care in our DJN Care Circle

  • Amplify your own (design justice-related) work

  • Learn new skills and justice practices

  • Share and apply to new opportunities

  • Build the design justice movement in your local community

  • Opportunities to facilitate and coordinate Nodes and Working Groups.

Coming soon:

  • Listing in our Member directory

  • What else would you like to see? We're open to suggestions!

Membership Fees

Individual membership​

fees (and/or equivalent volunteer services) are $5-100 per month (suggested, sliding scale).

We also have the option for a yearly membership.

Organizational membership​

fees (and/or equivalent volunteer or in-kind services) are $50-500 per month (suggested, sliding scale).

For organizational membership, we will work with you to determine the number of members of your organization that are able to have access to DJN membership benefits and services either in advance or once you register.

Yearly membership is recommended/the most common membership format for organizations.

New members are currently free to choose whatever amount they feel is best. In the future, we may create a more structured fee table based on income levels, taking local currency values or other factors into account. We also have options for new/existing members to volunteer some time for the network to receive a free one-year membership.

Your sliding scale membership fee will be processed by Allied Media Projects, the 501(c)3 that is our fiscal sponsor. NOTE: DJN memberships are not tax deductible because DJN members receive benefits based on membership fees.

Ready to Join?

Pay your membership fee to start the process (opens a new window at

Changing/Ending Your Membership

You may cancel or change your Design Justice Network membership at any time. To update (increase or decrease), update your contact information, or stop recurring payments, please submit this form to Allied Media Projects. To be removed from our mailing lists, Slack channel, and member database please contact us.

Ending your membership means you will no longer be part of the DJN Slack community, and the DJN member email list (you will be removed from both). Currently, we use a manual process to add/remove people from our membership list. This includes our list serves and slack. Please take into consideration that we will remove your email from these platforms, on the same day your request is complete

So for monthly or yearly members, if you have paid your membership at the month, consider canceling towards the end of the month, so you can leverage your access - so please get back to us if you have any issues!)

The DJN Steering Committee reserves the right to revoke the membership of any individual or organization that is found to be violating the DJN Principles.

Membership Issues, Conflicts, or Questions

Please contact us at any time, if you are having any issues with your membership, experiencing or witnessing a conflict, or have specific membership questions. The Steering Committee is an all-volunteer team, but we will work to address any and all concerns with the support of DJN staff. Any feedback or ideas you have are always welcome and we encourage you to send us an email ( so that we can support you! We hope to have policies in the future around conflicts, questions, and membership information - while we create and build these, please do email us.

We also recognize that as we’ve grown from a small circle, into a larger over 500-member based organization (in about 5 years), that we do not have (and did not start with) any community guidelines, and so we will start by adopting these from the Allied Media Projects and AMC: We would like to revise these to make them specific to DJN in the future, and would love if any DJN members are interested in such a process, to reach out (potentially creating a small working group that could take this on)!

Member Stories